
From WireCAD Online Help
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Skin Name

Command line shortcut: none
User Permissions Level: All
Product Level: ALL

Sets the current application skin (appearance).

Tool Panels

The following DEFAULT tool panels can be shown or hidden from the View>Tool Panels menu.

Custom plugins can register additional tool panels

Project Explorer
Draw Cables
Drawing Properties
Command Line

Tool Bars

Toggle the state of the available toolbars

Show Start Page

Command line shortcut: ShowStartPage
User Permissions Level: All
Product Level: ALL

Displays the Start Page. The start page is a web browser that reads a page from the WireCAD website with the latest information.


Command line shortcut: p
User Permissions Level: All
Product Level: ALL

Pan the drawing.

Your mouse wheel button (click the mouse wheel down) will pan the drawing.

Pan command is a transparent command. Transparent commands are commands that can be invoked when another command is active.

Zoom In

Command line shortcut: zi
User Permissions Level: All
Product Level: ALL

Zoom the drawing in.

Spin your mouse wheel to zoom the drawing.

Zoom In command is a transparent command. Transparent commands are commands that can be invoked when another command is active.

Zoom Out

Command line shortcut: zo
User Permissions Level: All
Product Level: ALL

Zoom the drawing Out.

Spin your mouse wheel to zoom the drawing.

Zoom Out command is a transparent command. Transparent commands are commands that can be invoked when another command is active.

Zoom Window

Command line shortcut: zw
User Permissions Level: All
Product Level: ALL

Drag a select window around the entities to show.

Zoom Out command is a transparent command. Transparent commands are commands that can be invoked when another command is active.

Zoom Extents

Command line shortcut: ze
User Permissions Level: All
Product Level: ALL

Zoom the drawing to show all entities. This will help you find all your entities in the drawing if you zoom or pan the entities out of view.

Zoom Extents command is a transparent command. Transparent commands are commands that can be invoked when another command is active.

Zoom All

Command line shortcut: za
User Permissions Level: All
Product Level: ALL

Zooms to the drawing limits or current extents, whichever is greater.

Zoom All command is a transparent command. Transparent commands are commands that can be invoked when another command is active.

Zoom Previous

Command line shortcut: zp
User Permissions Level: All
Product Level: ALL

Zoom the drawing to your last view.

Zoom Previous command is a transparent command. Transparent commands are commands that can be invoked when another command is active.

Zoom Scale

Command line shortcut: zs
User Permissions Level: All
Product Level: ALL

Zooms the display at a specified scale factor. For example, entering 2 doubles the apparent display size of any objects from what it would be if you were zoomed to the limits of the drawing. Entering 0.5 causes each object to be displayed at half its current size on the screen.


Command line shortcut: regen
User Permissions Level: All
Product Level: ALL

Regenerate (full render) the drawing.

New Viewport

Command line shortcut: zw
User Permissions Level: All
Product Level: ALL

Zoom the drawing in.

Spin your mouse wheel to zoom the drawing.

New Viewport From Polygon

Command line shortcut: vpg
User Permissions Level: All
Product Level: ALL

Create a new Viewport by attaching it to a closed polygon (circle, polyline, ellipse). A viewport from a polygon also creates like shaped Model Space Boundaries.

Activate Viewport

Command line shortcut: none
User Permissions Level: All
Product Level: ALL

When active zoom and pan commands are relative to the current viewport and serve to position and size(scale) the current viewport over the model space.


Measure Distance

Command line shortcut: di
User Permissions Level: All
Product Level: ALL

User picks two points and the resulting distance in Drawing Units is displayed in the Command Line History.


Command line shortcut: id
User Permissions Level: All
Product Level: ALL

User picks an entity and the drawing ID is displayed in the Command Line History


Command line shortcut: id
User Permissions Level: All
Product Level: ALL

User picks an Entity(e) or Points(p) and the length and area is displayed in the Command Line History

Lite Toolbars

Not Yet Implemented