HOWTO:New Equipment Definition

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Create a new piece of equipment not currently in the Equipment Library. WireCAD has a local libray and an online community to find equipment. This function will allow you to create equipment it if is not avaliable in either resource.

Before You Start

Check that the piece of equipment you are looking for is not currently avaliable in the local library or online community. To check the local library and online community, Click Advanced Tools>Equipment Library. On the left hand side of the screen under your Menu Bar you will see the option to select Local or Community Server. Enter your search query information in the Find box, select whether you would like to search Local or Community Server and press [Find]. If you are unable to find your equipment, proceed below.

How To Create A New Piece Of Equipment

Step Description
Click Advanced Tools>Equipment Library OR Database>Equipment Library OR Command shortcut LE This will bring you to your equipment library where you can search for pieces of equipment. NOTE (Please do not try to access the Equipment Library using the grids or Project Explorer)
On the right hand side of the screen, you will see multiple buttons including [Add Manufacturer To Library] and [Add Equipment To Library] You will need to make sure that your Manufacturer is currently listed in the library. If it is not please refer to How To Add A New Manufacturer To Library and add this information first. (This can also be done while adding new equipment if desired)
Click [Add Equipment To Library] When you click [Add Equipment To Library], a combo box will pop up with a series of fields that you are required to fill out as well as some that are optional. We ask that you please be a good WireCAD citizen and upload your equipment back into the community for others to use so please fill out as much information as possible
New Equipment Window.png
In your combo box, start by selecting the Manufacturer field and input who makes your piece of equipment. Clicking anywhere in the field will populate a drop down menu in which you will be able to select from the list of Manufacturers currently avaliable. Alternately, if your Manufacturer isnt listed and you havent created it yet, you can Click the [...] which will bring up a new box allowing you to create your Manufacturer from here.
Add Manufacturer Window.png
After filling out the first set of fields Click [Next] You are now presented with another set of fields to fill out. The only required field is the front panel field. Click [...] to open the folder with premade panels. Here you will need to browse in order to find the panel that works best for your type of equipment.
Front Panel Select Window.png
After selecting your panel and filling out any other information you would like, Click [Finish]. Your new equipment will now be created and you will automatically be taken to it in your Equipment Library.

Whats next?

Your equipment is now a functional block in your library and can be modified the same as any other piece of equipment. You can add and remove I/O ports, change signal types, change display properties, add equipment to drawing etc. To learn more about modifying your equipment refer to Modifying Equipment In Your Library