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Knowledge Base
Subject: Changing Default Pointer
Status Resolved
Product WireCAD v8
Product Level PRO
Database Type N/A
Build Number (last 4 digits of version)
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Hello! I was wondering how to add a default pointer to the scroll down list under the Draw Cables/Settings tab. I figured out that I can change the pointer after the fact, by using the Properties tab and changing it manually. But I was wondering if it's possible to actually possible to change the default beforehand. I would like to add the Router (WC3_RTR) as a default.
Thank you!
25-April-2016 (11:26 AM)
I am not sure that I understand the question.
Are you trying to set the value outside of WireCAD?

On another note: why would you use a terminal as a default pointer. Pointers must come in pairs and point to each other. Terminals cannot work as pointers.

Help me understand.
25-April-2016 (02:42 PM)
Thank you very much for your response. Hopefully I can add more details.
First, the reason we would like to use the symbol for the router is that we are used to this symbol as referencing the router. When we see this symbol attached to a device, as either an input or an output, we know that it is going or coming from the router. That is why we would like to be able to make this one of the options on the Default Pointer list, on the Draw Cables tab.

Second, how do we edit a symbol, for example the pointer WC3_Pointer_S? For example, I would like to use the same symbol but rather than SheetRef displaying under the feather, I would prefer Location.
Is it possible to create a new symbol and have it displayed in the list to choose from when adding a terminal?
Thank you so much for your help.
27-April-2016 (01:46 PM)
I do not think we are talking about the same thing - the Default Pointer is only used by the Replace Cable with Pointers function.
You can use the WC3_RTR for a router cross point no problem, but there is no concept of a default terminal. You must pick from the list every time.

You can modify the source file by opening it in WireCAD and making your changes to the geometry or attributes. Here is a link to the rules:

I want to make sure that you understand that terminals and pointers are different. Terminals are stand-alone objects while pointers must come in pairs. A pointer MUST point to a pointer. If you modify a pointer following the rules in the link above you must modify its complement. Also be sure to name them following the naming convention and different from the stock pointers names.
27-April-2016 (02:26 PM)