Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base
Subject: ptouch
Status Resolved -
Product WireCAD v8
Product Level PRO
Database Type VISTADB
Build Number (last 4 digits of version)
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Named filters
update change data to open list
select multiple entries for print
thanks gday
20-April-2016 (11:15 PM)
I modified the plugin to include a record selector function instead of the filter approach. The named filters are not going to work here.
The filter works as it did but now you can use it in conjunction with the record selector so you won't have to create complex filters to get the one record you are interested in printing.

I modified the refresh function to do a complete reload of the data to pull the latest from the cables/sysnames tables.
26-April-2016 (06:14 PM)
Great Thanks.
I don't mean to be stupid, I can't help it. How do I get this?
27-April-2016 (05:39 PM)
Not stupid. Not yet released. I will be posting it tomorrow. You will see the update available toast pop up when you start WireCAD.
27-April-2016 (06:00 PM)