Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base
Subject: Custom names of User Fields
Status Resolved
Product WireCAD v8
Product Level PRO
Database Type VISTADB
Build Number (last 4 digits of version) 1368
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Howdy, I am looking to change the default names for the User1-4 fields that are part of the Equipment Database. I see that User1 had been changed to "Some Custom Field" as part of the WC8 installation package. My previous version, WC6, had User1-4.

How do I go about change these field names?

When changed, do these still map to the USER1, USER2, USER3, and USER4 fields that are part of each block that gets added to the Global Equipment DB, or do these field actually change the Attribute of the block to the new name?

Finally, is there any way to get the SKU field into the default blocks for equipment or do I still need to part the actual SKU in USER1 to get it to show in the equipment blocks?

03-February-2016 (11:58 AM)
Plugins>Translation Manager
search for the keys User1 - User4 and change the en translation for those keys.
See the attached screen shot
04-February-2016 (02:45 PM)
Quick update. You want to search for EquipmentUser1-EquipmentUser4. See the modified screen shot
04-February-2016 (02:47 PM)