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Knowledge Base
Subject: PatchVerx
Status Resolved
Product PatchVerx v2
Product Level N/A
Database Type N/A
Build Number (last 4 digits of version) 1.0.20
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How do I change the font. When I change the default font in User Preferences, nothing changes. Also changing attributes, such as bold. Nothing happens. What ever font PatchVerx is using, is not very legible when I print it out. Also the Text Stretch to Fit works poorly. It compresses numbers weirdly, making them hard to read. 1 gets super-compressed, but something like 15/16 is normal. Currently the only way I can print useable output is to export as a PDF, and then manually edit the PDF. This is not a productive workflow. Has this been addressed in V3?
02-December-2015 (09:26 PM)
You set the font characteristics in the individual cell style. Right-click the cell(s) and set the font settings in the dialog. Note the size of the font is set by the strip height/row count.

v3 allows you some more options. I would move to it. You should have a key.
02-December-2015 (11:57 PM)