WireCAD Remote Support

Support Center

Welcome to the WireCAD Support Center. Here we offer many avenues to help you help us help you.

Support Options

Report an Issue/Helpdesk - Bug Report and Helpdesk

Tutorials - Video tutorials for day to day activities in WireCAD and Patch Verx 

WireCAD Wiki - A collection of articles to help with your WireCAD understanding.

WireCAD Remote Support  

Download AnyDesk
- For live demos and support. We take over your machine to show how stuff is done. 

WireCAD Reference Guide - The user's manual for WireCAD.

WireCAD Support Tickets - Submit a ticket. We'll get to it soon.

WireCAD Ticket Changelog - A WireCAD Changelog derived from user-submitted tickets.

WireCAD Knowledgebase - Common issues users have had and their resolutions.

Unofficial WireCAD Users group on Facebook.